~A SOUTHERN NATIVE~ 7panel clean Standing for 2025 season Outside of Springfield Missouri 7 Panel clean! *MR JESS PERRY ACCOMPLISHMENTS Star/Race/L.Hind Stocking Breeder: Jesse Perry Foaled February 18, 1992 (LA) AQHA Race SI-113/AAAT/ROM/Superior/SW, 21-12-2-0, $687,184. AQHA Racing Champion 2-Year-Old AQHA Racing Champion 2-Year-Old Colt 2 NTRs 400y Won: Texas Classic Futurity(G1) Texas Classic Derby(G1) LQHBA Futurity(RG1) Louisiana Champions Day Juvenile Stakes(RG2) Louisiana Breeders Laddie Futurity(RG3) first crop 1997 One of only 3 stallions in AQHA History to sire earners of over $50 Million. #1 AQHA Broodmare Sire 2013, 14, 15, 16 AQHA Hall Of Fame 2019 inductee *STREAKIN LA JOLLA ACCOMPLISHMENTS AQHA Race SI-99/AAA/ROM/SW; 8-8-0-0, $56,227. (Undefeated On The Track) Won: 1987 Firecracker F., 1988 Firecracker D., 1988 Sound of Summer F. Entered stud in LA 1989. SIRE OF: 720 ROM, 64 stakes winners, earning $18,356,590. Stood in Louisiana before moving to Texas. He was the 2005 and 2006 Texas Quarter Horse Association Stallion of the Year. His best known offspring is Mr Jess Perry. *REBS POLICY ACCOMPLISHMENTS 16-8-2-1, $83,650. Breeder: Gutentag, P. A. Stein & C. Foaled May 21, 1967 sired 326 winners, earners of over $12 million. AS A QUARTER HORSE BROODMARE SIRE, Reb's Policy sired 233 dams of 855 performers, of which 846 were starters, 616 *STREAKIN SIX ACCOMPLISHMENTS AQHA SI-104, AAAT, ROM Race, SW, 19-10(2)-5(2)-1(1) $473,934. Won Rainbow Fut. 2nd in All Am.Fut. A Leading Sire of Money Earners of nearly $15 million. Sired nearly 600 winners in 20 crops raced. Foaled April 1977 at Ted Well's Ranch, Alex, OK. Euthanized on Dec. 14, 2005 due to infirmities of old age at the Four Sixes Ranch where he stood and was pensioned in 2000. Inducted into the AQHA Hall OF Fame in 2011. *SINN FEIN ACCOMPLISHMENTS AQHA Race SI-98, AAA, ROM A Leading Sire of Money Earners 75% Foundation *FAST JET ACCOMPLISHMENTS AQHA Race SI-98/AAA/ROM/Superior (SW)31-9-3-6, $262,180 *JET DECK ACCOMPLISHMENTS AQHA Race SI-100/AAAT/ROM/Superior/SW, 31-22-4-2, $200,625. 1962 AQHA Champion Quarter Running 2yr Old Colt & Champion QH 1963 AQHA World Champion Quarter Running Horse He raced 2 years, & earned 42 AQHA racing points. After racing career he was retired to stud. He was inducted into the AQHA Hall of Fame. He sired 383 race ROM earning horses, several World Champion Quarter running horses, 2 AQHA High Point horses, and 5 AQHA Champions. *LENAS BAR ACCOMPLISHMENTS AQHA Race SI-95/AAA/ROM/Superior/SW, 76-24-18-10, $28,311. Won: 1959 Bright Eyes Stakes, Buttons and Bows Stakes, 1958 CL Maddons Bright Eyes Handicap American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame AND MANY MORE GREATS ON HIS PAPERS.