
Chestnut Dutch Warmblood Mare
Horse ID: 2217810
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HorseID: 2217810 Marseille - PhotoID: 1047698

HorseID: 2217810 Marseille - PhotoID: 1047699

HorseID: 2217810 Marseille - PhotoID: 1047700

HorseID: 2217810 Marseille - PhotoID: 1047701

HorseID: 2217810 Marseille - PhotoID: 1047702

HorseID: 2217810 Marseille - PhotoID: 1047703

Photos Expire 11-Dec-2024 • 67 Days Remaining

Pedigree for Marseille

1st Gen2nd Gen3rd Gen4th Gen
1.35 jumper with junior rider
 Riverman ISF
Grand prix jumper and grand prix dressage imported
 On Pointe
Olympic dressage producer grand prix dressage mare
 Rolls Royce  
 Thats good news
Race winner excellent minded

This Photo Ad for Horse ID #2217810
has been viewed 12370 Times.
Photo Added/Renewed: 14-Jun-2024

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Sherry Gardner

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