Look no further for the horse of a LIFETIME! Dandy has had the BEST life & rider since 2015 when 8 yr old Maddy acquired her. Bareback, Barrels, Trail Riding, Roping, Jumping out on a cross country course, swimming in water, riding double, riding in the dark on busy streets. We cannot say enough about Dandy and how PERFECT she is in every way. Rider has moved on to training horses for other people an working a job, outside of other HS obligations. Dandy is a 1000% sound and hasn't had shoes for over 6 years. Her teeth have been by our quine dentist 18 months ago. Dandy is in GREAT health, never had a reason to visit the vet, and is just ready to make another child happy. Her favorite thing is to be used. She'll ride in a parade in a tack rein. There is no bolt, buck in her whatsoever. Strangers and new people can ride her, & she is always the same. She trailers great with new horses. She is a leader or follower on the trail. She has a great pulse on her rider and really acclimates to their ability and level. As there have been other guest riders-non horse owners riding her, she is confident and trustworthy, and a packer. She is honest to the jumps. No spurs, tie downs, or anything. She knows how to be competative in barrels, and can hunt a cow. She has been used a few times with a dummy cow. Dandy is a treasure of a lifetime with many years left. We hope she goes local, so we can follow her.