claire is a paint ( as far as i know) she’s not papered/ registered. she’s an all around horse with great potential and personality. she was my first horse and a good horse in general. she’s a little spunky and definitely needs someone who knows what they’re doing or at least has some experience. she will push your buttons. very sensitive to pressure. she’s been wormed, vaccinated and her shoes have recently been done. she has been lame in the past but not horribly. i’d love to see her be worked and put to use and not just a pasture pet. she’s good with kids and likes to be led around. she’ll come up to me/you if you have food ( what horse doesn’t). temperament is definitely a solid 5 or 6, like i said she’s spunky and will test you. like all other horses she’s smart enough to know who knows what and who knows nothing. she’s a great horse anyone would be lucky to have her, i simply don’t have the time. located in roseburg oregon. text me at 971.998.6345 if you have questions.