Senior owner has been on and off the fence about rehoming 'Portia' for quite a while now, to no fault of hers. 'Portia Cayenne Afire' has many years professional training. Trained second level dressage, shown Hunter Pleasure, Halter Classes+ with previous owner. Own Daughter of Champion Stallion 'Justafire DGL' producer of accomplished show winners, Granddaughter of Numaa++ (on Dam's side). Sweepstakes Nominated. Was evaluated on conformation and movement as a prospective PSG, National level horse by international Judges. Please, don't let Portia's age fool you... she seems like a much younger horse and should have many more years of service to offer. Arabians are well known for being long lived and healthy, and can often be in their 30's, while still being useful as a riding horse. Portia is gorgeous looking, athletic, and has nice fluid movement. She's an easy keeper and doesn't require any special care. No extra maintenance, no medications, injections, etc. She is all up to date on shots (flu/tet), deworming, and hoof trim. Yearly dental/exam on 10/11/24, and everything looked good. She's tidy in her stall and paddock area (she likes to keep clean). When Portia is in sync with her rider, where you look is where she goes (responsive to your seat). Lots of buttons if you how to use them (ask). She has respectful stall manners, and is well-behaved for grooming, picking up/cleaning hooves (can hold her foot up with one finger), blanketing, etc. Multiple visits to get familiar with Portia, along with your own pre-purchase exam, trainer evaluation, etc., will be welcome. She enjoys being doted over. Along with myself, Portia has been used by novice riders (with supervision), along with more experienced riders on their own after they have shown they can work independently. My first choice of owners is with a well-schooled rider, someone that can appreciate all her training. Portia loves attention and will make someone a rewarding riding partner and best friend. An assortment of blankets, neck cover, leather halter with her name engraved, leg wraps, hoof boots, misc., go with her. A well-suited situation will be important to us in Portia's placement, preferably with someone that has an indoor arena where she can be ridden on a routine basis. Some pasture turnout time is a plus, where she has plenty of room to run and self-exercise. Please call (three-six-zero)366-3631 (land line, no text), for more information. Thank you.