Molly is a fun horse to ride and work with. This mare is "cowy," smart, and catches on to training quickly. She has lots of good miles and three nice gates. The mare is snaffle-broken but has been riding in a jr. cow horse bit lately. Ridden on mountain trails, gathering cattle, and even used as a school horse. The mare has some pep for those looking for a sport model and would be suitable for things like team penning, sorting, gymkhana, or as a western pleasure horse. The mare has not been "finished" in any particular way, as I'm leaving that up to you to do what you want. The mare will roll back, rein her turns, move off your leg, and has a nice mouth to work with. The mare will settle into a nice quarterhorse all-day jog but will move out if you desire. Suitable for an intermediate and above level rider, not a beginner horse. Molly's Breeding is unique. The mare is out of a foundation Doc Bar quarter horse which has stamped her as a quarter horse type. The sire is a TB Percheron cross, which is not seen aside from the mare's athleticism. The mare is not "mare-ish" and has already had a foal, which has made her even less marey, but this was never a problem in the first place.