This ad has been modified using information that was learned during a Pre-Purchase Examination on June 27, 2024. Serbian Sailor retired from racing in March of 2023, never having taken a lame step. He moves beautifully and loves to jump. His original ad was for a hunter/jumper prospect, and we felt certain he would pass a PPE for those purposes. However, the PPE showed a small floating chip in the right knee but not in the joint. It also showed a small bone projection in that same knee, also not in the joint. The knee does not cause him pain, and the horse moves soundly under saddle and on the longe line, even over jumps. Serbian is good-minded, easy to handle and train, and social with people and other horses. Serb has been in the pasture for over a year, with occasional riding and longe work to keep him tuned up. Serb has had a few short trail rides. He did well but is not a "been there, done that" trail horse. Although the PPE ruled out Serbian for the stadium jumping and cross-country competitions that the potential buyer wanted him for, our veterinarian said he is absolutely suitable for non-jumping and low-jumping classes. Serbian is handsome with lovely movement. He moves nicely on the bit and picks up his leads readily. This horse would be eye-catching in classes such as dressage, equitation, hunter, hunter-under-saddle, etc. Serbian is priced at $2,500, which is a reduced price due to his limitations in the show ring. Serbian is ready to move on to a new home as a show prospect or pleasure horse. Our farm is located about 20 miles south of Hot Springs, Arkansas. If you need to hire transport, my husband will give you a quote. For more information and pics, call Dena at 501-363-9008.