Winning Children’s jumper ready to step down and teach someone the ranks in the .80-.90 this summer! Monkey has shown all over Southern California on the A circuit and county levels and has dabbled in all three rings but excels in the jumpers. Safe, kind, and loves his job. Would be great for a kid moving up to the .80 or 2'6-2'9 who wants to have fun and is on a budget! He has a huge puppy dog personality so a great partner is a must! 19 years old, 16.3, and can take a joke! Great on trail, no prep kind of guy, hops off of the trailer everywhere like a dream, and would have a blast doing some eventing too! This guy is my heart horse and will always be a part of my family so a good lease situation is a PRIORITY! I would love a kid or amateur who will love him and have a fun horse to learn and grow on for the summer! Would love to find him a summer lease by the end of May! Forward moving jumper that eats up the lines at 1.00 but will slow down and babysit at .80 Negotiable monthly lease price for a great home! coursing 1.10-1.20 showing high children's jumpers