Darling is a 16 (vet verified) year old grade section A Welsh. She has been ridden by lots of kids, but primarily has been my daughter's pony. She has done weekly Western Dressage lessons on her and has done 3 intro schooling shows (with a 6 year old). She has also done a bunch of trail riding and has been used to pack/ camp in the wilderness when our kids were really little. She does have a history of founder... kept under control with diet and hoofcare and some kida ugly melanomas on her tail that don't really seem to bother her. No expensive maintenance, but needs a contientous owner. Plenty healthy and sound for children to enjoy for years to come. Only to a great, long term home. She's been in my family for a long time, but I endurance ride and my daughter recently started riding a bigger, faster horse who can keep up with the Arabs.