
WRP Brambleberry Blossom (Bree)
Bay Dun Gypsy Horse Cross Filly
Horse ID: 2275057
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Photo Ad Expired 14-Sep-2024

Photo Expired 14-Sep-2024 • (-33) Days Expired

Pedigree for WRP Brambleberry Blossom

1st Gen2nd Gen3rd Gen4th Gen
 Liam BEC
 Lazarus of Feathered Gold
Purebred Gypsy Vanner
 Ladys Contessa
Oldenburg registry
 Paint Me A Poppy BEC
 Lazarus of Feathered Gold
Purebred Gypsy Vanner
grade Grulla Quarter Horse

This Photo Ad for Horse ID #2275057
has been viewed 392 Times.
Photo Added/Renewed: 16-Jun-2024 • Text Renewed: 17-Oct-2024

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Tripoli, Wisconsin

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