I bought Waffle in 2019 for my feedlot remuda, and became my go to mount for six years. Without any previous feedlot experience, she picked up everything I asked her to do, and I am no trainer. From our morning pen checks in every kind of weather and ground conditions, and sorting out the one sick calf, who wants to do anything but leave the group, to afternoon go homes. Which consists of sorting and cutting. And all day, more gates than I care to remember. She is the cowiest horse I’ve ever seen in person, and will do whatever it takes to keep a calf moving in the direction her rider chooses. Though I’m no roper, she had no problem pulling high centered fats back to their feet, or dragging calves to the feed bunk to be picked up. She even seem to enjoy joining me and my friends for overnight pack trips in the Colorado wilderness. The only reason I’m selling her is because I left the feedlot business to become a farrier and don’t own a pasture.