
Pacific Prime (Jackson)
Palomino AQHA Quarter Horse Colt
Horse ID: 2276313
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Photo Ad Expired 29-Sep-2024

Photos Expired 29-Sep-2024 • (-6) Days Expired

Pedigree for Pacific Prime

1st Gen2nd Gen3rd Gen4th Gen
 Mr Dual Smoke
 Mr Dual Pep
Leading sire
 Peppy San Badger  
 Miss Dual Doc  
 Smokes Belle
Ch. performer
 Mr Gunsmoke  
 Macs Sujo  
 Cash A Roany
 Yellow Roan of Texas
CH. performer and sire
 Docs Steady Date  
 All of my Cash  Miss N Cash  
 Mrs Dadanian  

This Photo Ad for Horse ID #2276313
has been viewed 1299 Times.
Photo Added/Renewed: 01-Jul-2024 • Text Renewed: 15-Sep-2024

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Nancy Petterson
Monmouth, Oregon

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