SMALL Project, Finish him any way you want. No Barrel racing. Would make a great cow horse. My daughter is getting out of horses to pursue Softball. He will only go to right person. No trades or lease14.2 Spanish pony needs a new zipcode. He is located in Enumclaw WA. Not Gaited Amazing trail horse, lead line or advanced show pony. He would make a great step up horse for a child in a program. Major is a great kid horse for walk and trot. He is still young at 6. He is amazing on trails and will go anywhere. He has been my 12 yr old pony for 4 yrs. I've owned him for 4 yrs and have put over 6 months of training into him with trainers. He would make someone a great dressage pony, jumper, or trail horse. He is a strong little guy but isn't a hot horse at all in fact the opposite. He has been sitting for 6 months and took him out of pasture for a ride. He was the same horse as 6 months ago. Video of him below