
Feykir from Cornell (Olaf)
Bay Icelandic Gelding
Horse ID: 2279528
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HorseID: 2279528 Feykir from Cornell - PhotoID: 1053824

HorseID: 2279528 Feykir from Cornell - PhotoID: 1053856

HorseID: 2279528 Feykir from Cornell - PhotoID: 1053857

HorseID: 2279528 Feykir from Cornell - PhotoID: 1053858

Photos Expire 14-Nov-2024 • 22 Days Remaining

Pedigree for Feykir from Cornell

1st Gen2nd Gen3rd Gen4th Gen
 Spraki fra Melaleiti
 Arelius fra Hemlu II    
 Spekt Fra Lytingsstodum    
 Silvia fra Alfholahjaleigu
 Litfari fra Pjorsartuni    
 Gullbra fra Alfholahjaleigu    

This Photo Ad for Horse ID #2279528
has been viewed 755 Times.
Photo Added/Renewed: 17-Aug-2024

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Kelly Jacobs
Big Sky, Montana

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