PEPTOS MARGO RITA 🍹 2019 model, chromey AQHA mare that JUST started her show career in the ranch versatility!! Come ride this mare & you will just absolutely fall in love with her…babydoll head, chromey blaze & legs—I am beat up over the fact I have to move this one. This is the most forgiving mare, she loves her people. Naturally low headed, bigger stride, standing at 14.2 hands– Penny has a reining foundation, lopes beautiful collected circles & drives up into the bridle and is extremely soft in the face. My mare people, this one’s for you—a red mare with some personality (lil spice & everything nice). She can be more of a push style ride yet has that go when asked. I’ve ridden her all over. Been hauled to shows, has been out to see the world, across miles and miles of wheat pasture, and she’s logged hundreds of hours in the arena - she’ll be there for you day in and day out. We’ve tracked cows on her, she’s been on the flag, drug logs/poles, roped live cattle in the pasture, been day worked on, and is willing to go all day. She’ll side pass/back/trot over logs, ride through water, jump over obstacles and has even cruised through the barrel pattern a few times. Naturally light in the bridle & ready to go and tackle any job you put her up to. 📍 Stephenville, TX - but I can get her anywhere Please call Darcy with questions (412) 496-5506