Herd Reduction - Offering this stout, quality bred broodmare for your consideration. See her extended pedigree on allbreedpedigree. "Mouse" is confirmed Homozygous Tobiano and Black, Heterozygous Dun through parentage, Etalon Diagnostics APHA 6 Panel + IMM negative. She has been a broodmare only, no saddle training but is sound and could be a riding horse with proper training. She is gentle with no vices, easy to catch, trim and load. Has been in a stall, larger paddock and on pasture. Does well anywhere you put her and gets along with other mares and foals. She is an easy keeper and has settled every year live cover. She is open as I no longer have a stallion and deserving of a break after having 5 foals in a row with many good years left to continue to produce. Priced at $5000/Best Reasonable Offer alone as her 2024 colt has been sold. Photos are from spring 2024 and have a more current video of her in her winter coat. Photos will be updated once she sheds off. An in-person inspection is encouraged. Buyer responsible for all shipping expenses. Please call, text or email with questions.