
WSA Legacy Of Luxury (Bentley)
Palomino AQHA Quarter Horse Colt
Horse ID: 2283059
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Pending Review by DreamHorse Staff
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Position 1
Order #: 00875667 - Date Uploaded: 04-Oct-2024 11:24:58 AM

Ad Type: Pending Single-Photo Ad

Pedigree for WSA Legacy Of Luxury

1st Gen2nd Gen3rd Gen4th Gen
 Pass The Legacy On
Sire of World & National Champions
 Vested Legacy
World Champion sire
 The Invester  
 Dreamin In Color    
 Your Good Machine
World & National Champion producer
 A Good Machine
Leading QH sire
 Zippos Mr Good Bar  
 Yours Only
World & National Champion producer
 Invitation Only  

Ad Created: 04-Oct-2024

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Karena Cymbaluk
Crookston, Minnesota

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