Arrowhead True Grit is 7 years old, stands 13.3 1/4 hands and is a sound gelding that is broke to drive and green broke to ride. I sent him to a professional trainer as a coming five year old. The trainer told me that he was known to buck and play around mainly because of his age and still such a baby. The trainer suggested that I use a bucking strap on him because of my lack of driving skill and his youthful demeanor. Rooster and I have been back to that trainer several times for driving lessons and I have learned much. I have taken Rooster out on the road in traffic, across the fields, to shows and he is pretty good. I will say he’s much more confident in an arena or work area. Rooster has matured a lot this last year and is a good boy but I’ve decided driving is not for me. So this is why I am making sure that whoever buys my boy is an experienced driver and understands that he is still green and needs miles. His price reflects this and now that he is coming an 8 year i believe he will excel in the right hands. He has a beautiful, floating trot and getting very consistent with it.