Flicka is a very pretty mover and good minded prospect that could go in any direction. She has been started and has good start. She has a nice stop and wants to turn around and carries herself correct. She was born here on the ranch and has always lived outside in the rocks,sage brush, barb wire and crossing water. After she was started this summer we turned her back out for 6 months, saddled her up the other day and used her to move some cows and she rode off perfectly gentle. If I didn’t have so many she would not be for sale. Her negative flaws would be she has to be turned out with the right horses. She can be a bit bossy turned out with some horses but if she’s not the boss and she has someone to keep her in line she’s good. We also haven’t done anything with her feet yet to no fault of her own. She has always just lived outside in the rocks and hasn’t needed them done yet. Scoop her up before I start riding her and change my mind on selling her. She’s going to be a good one!!