Mr. Butters is the most delightful fellow. He is an "old soul" with the serenity of a much older horse, and the body of a younger horse (with some curves). He is barefoot with great big feet, adorable loose flappy lips, a big white blaze and, feathers and socks, and the kindest carebear eyes you ever did see! Butters is safe for all levels of riders, including beginners and those new to riding. He has more "whoa than go" but he will WTC in & out of arena. He trail rides the best. He rides English, Western, and bareback and he pulls a wagon, too (single or on a team). He would be an excellent choice for a lesson program, therapeutic riding, vaulting, dressage, foxhunting, amateur's mount, family horse, police horse, the list goes on and on! He is comfortable to ride - "as smooth as butter" has excellent manners, is easy to have around, has no vices, no soundness issues & no blemishes.