2016 dark bay lusitano mare 15.1 hand lusitano mare with lots of energy who loves to work and needs her own person! I am only selling her as I am 5’10” and have her sister who is 2” taller. Super athletic and could go any direction. Though, she would excel at working equitation. She needs more than just dressage ring work. Super handy/balanced canter and can turn on a dime. Loves to jump. Lateral work is easy for her. Learning flying changes easily. Super brave. Goes out alone or in a group, bridges/water. Has been to the beach in Washington state and Edgewater beach in Cleveland! Pics with cows are her first time and she loved it!! Sound. Ties, cross ties, good for farrier, loads with one person. $24k Committed to finding the right home. She is a high energy horse, but no buck/bolt/run, and I confidently ride her alone on and off property.