Kit Kat aka Diva fell on hard times last year when her previous owners let her health maintenance get behind. Her teeth abscessed clear through her jaw and it took months for her to get back up to speed with weight and body conditioning. Kit Kat is best suited for the trail with a competent, adult or youth rider experienced and comfortable getting after a horse and guiding them. She responds best in a hackamore or snaffle on a loose rein. It doesn't seem she was ever a finished bridlehorse, but she has some training. She is forward on the trail, covers a lot of ground, crosses water, goes through unstable ground, and blazes her trail in the right hands. She enjoys herding cattle and riding out with other horses and on her own. Doesn't mind roping and dragging steers or crossing water. Since I've owned her: She has had her teeth floated and her infections healed. She has had her vaccinations. She has been on a bi-annual deworming schedule. She has been on an every eight to ten-week trimming schedule. (barefoot) She has developed a robust feeding plan for her senior horse needs. She is gentle and rides out great for an experienced person. She is not a kid's horse unless your kid has experience riding and getting after horses. She isn't dangerous, but she is one of those horses that will always be quirky. You have to know her bag of tricks and be ready to respond. She covers the ground with a long stride, it can be intimidating to people just learning. I've had her in the arena on barrels. My husband has thrown ropes, drug logs, and steers. We've had fire trucks at our house with lights and sirens running. She couldn't have cared less. We had bonfires in her pasture with trucks and music and she didn't care. She thinks she is one of the dogs. It seems like she is just tired of being handled by incompetent people. If you are looking for a fun horse to be your personal she will not disappoint. I'm only offering her for sale because I have other horses to get started. She came to me because she had a behavior problem. In reality, she isn't a problem, she has high standards. She's a diva.