I purchased this gelding with 120 days of training just before he turned 3, with plans to bring him home and continue his training. Unfortunately, life took a different direction. I’ve ridden him a few times at home and at a barn we hauled to, and he’s proven to have a sound mind. However, with young kids to raise, I need to step away from this hobby for now and focus on my family. I have some videos available, though they aren’t anything fancy. He’s been kept barefoot and given time to grow over the past couple of years. He’s turned in and out daily, has great stall manners, and is an easy keeper. I Have not rode him since July 22’, but have handled him and kept up on ground work. As of January 15th he has begun his restart, price will go up the longer he stays in. He has Never had issues with trailering or hauling. Hoof trims every 8 weeks, does well for farrier. Is good around our kids. Was seen by the vet on 1/25/25 - he is sound, we are working on conditioning, his teeth were floated and blood work pulled if a coggins is needed within the next 3 weeks. I don’t have the time right now to devote to a young horse and would like to find him a home where he can thrive. I’m also considering selling another horse—a grade Quarter Horse gelding around 10 years old—if there’s interest. My goal is to take a break and eventually find something that suits the whole family, toddlers to adults. Phone calls are best for serious inquiries, please leave a message or text. 3605020399