Milton is the CUTEST TINIEST miniature pony. He is 27 inches short. 😂 He is 15 months old. He is a blue roan and is going to be gorgeous when he sheds off in the summer. We own both parents. His dam is a 29 inch tall blue roan mare. His sire is a 27 inch dapple grey. So he will stay SMALL. And though he may be small… his personality is huge. He thinks he is a dog and so does anyone who comes over. Since he is so little, he can get out of his pen and he just walks around the yard like a dog eating grass, checking things out. Then puts himself back up. He is so funny. To meet him is to love him. He steals your heart at first sight. He would be the perfect therapy pony, backyard pet, companion pony or ranch mascot. He will fit in the back of car or dog crate so no need for a trailer to pick him up. Message with any questions, we love talking about sweet Milton.