Zeus is a 7, coming 8 year old stallion available for 2025 breedings. We will ship semen and do some live covers. Zeus has offspring from 2024. They have all provided more color than the mare. We are in progress off getting his color panel tested. He’s a very level headed stallion who’s broke to ride and drive. We’ve had 9 year old children riding him on their own. He knows a couple tricks like laying down, cracking a whip while standing on his back, praying, and is in progress with liberty training. He’s done it all. We’ve had him on trails, in town, and on public trail rides. His physical and mental beauty has made him a one of a kind stallion. If your looking for a stallion to provide you with a trail horse with great potential, Zeus could be the one your looking for. For any questions please message me. I’m willing to answer any questions or concerns.