Chanel is a 7 year old thoroughbred mare. She raced 6 times (last race August of 2022) and retired sound, and was allowed an appropriate amount of time from the track for her body and mind to letdown and unwind. I can’t say enough good things about this mare - she’s gorgeous, and a flashy mover. She has been allowed to learn how to properly use her body and understand leg cues and contact in the bridle. She is light in the bridle and rarely is on the forehand - she’s a total blast to ride because she tries so hard and her gaits are very smooth. She knows how to leg yield at all 3 gaits, turns on the forehand and haunches, and her flying lead changes are coming along. She shortens and lengthen her stride easily. Chanel has been started over fences and loves to jump - naturally goes to the base for her takeoff point and has great form, tons of scope. She is fabulous on the ground, ground ties, lunges easily, loads into any trailer, and is the same horse when hauled to a new place as she is at home. She has been consistently ridden in busy indoor and outdoor arenas, while others were jumping, doing sliding stops and large fast circles and was unbothered. I really love working with this mare and know she will be an absolute blast for someone whether you want to jump her, do dressage, or just ride her for fun. She’s brave on the trail and gets along with any horses She is up-to-date on all vaccines, teeth, and has a current coggins. She’s only shod on the front and is reshod every 8 weeks.