Get her before Saturday. Taking her to get some more ranching miles this weekend and then her price will go up. 2018 APHA Flashy Sorrel Overo Mare Location: ARLINGTON, SOUTH DAKOTA 14.1 hands Mercedes is a friendly, in your pocket, handy mare that was born and raised on a ranch in western SD. She was used for ranch work there and I used her for trail riding. She would like somewhere where she will have a job, not just putz around on the trails. She stands for the farrier, loads well and like attention. She has a fast paced walk and keeps up with the tall horses (and sometimes out walks them.) Has not been bred. She does not act marish around other horses. Nice, kind mare. Mercedes is NOT for a beginner rider as she is a forward moving mare is very responsive to cues. I use a hackamore on her, but she does take a bit fine. Had her vaccinations, teeth floated and coggins done in May 2024. She is papered, been panel tested and color tested. She has gotten fresh with a long period of time off. I have not ridden either of my horses since September due to harvest and then no arena to ride in with the cold weather. I do have a couple videos of her.