PSSM1 and FIS n/n Broke to ride english and western, has been shown. Loving and affectionate Cinnamon had loads of personality she is mischievous and communicative. Playful and a pleaser she has been ridden in the arena, on trails and is always willing to try new things with a little encouragement. She is the one you can walk put and hop on bareback in a halter to mozy around on. She has been used in a lesson program and for photoshoots. Excellent youth horse, my 12yo son rides her. She enjoys activities like trail and jumping (free jumping is one of her favorite turnout activities). She has been started on ground poles and cross rails in between pregnancies. Even when she does not enjoy something she takes it in stride and let's you know in passive protest. She is easygoing and kind natured. A proven producer she has had two gorgeous Bay colts, great mother, easy foaler. Currently open, can be put in foal to GBR BEORN again. ⭐️Trade for 11-12hd Purebred Gypsy Mare/Filly considered ⭐️If she does not sell by April I will retain her for another season and breed her to the stallion of my choice.