100% Foundation bay colt by Westwind Montana Sky and out of Whippoorwill Skysthelimit. I am excited about this colt! Q looks destined for the sport disciplines to me. He is tall and handsome sporting 3 white socks and a big star. He should mature in the 15.2H to 15.3H range. I think he may be the most friendly critter on the farm at this point! He always comes up for pets and wants to know what is going on. He is curious and interested in his surroundings. You may have to see it to believe it, but the thing that strikes me with this colt is how handsome he is. He is going to look amazing coming down the rail looking through a bridle!! This colt has a presence about him that will make people stop and look twice. No doubt he is going to be a fun loving, capable and beautiful riding partner. Montana Sky has a kind eye and a personality to match, always submissive when handled and very easy to have on the farm. Skysthelimit has many many miles on her being used at a girls riding academy and also plenty of trail riding in the mountains of Virginia before coming to Mossrose Morgans. We have used her for Working Equitation practices knowing she would safely carry anyone we put on her that wanted to try out the obstacles. Skysthelimit is from the last foal crop at Whippoorwill Morgans and does not disappoint. A super sweet mare, gorgeous in looks with classic baroque Currier and Ives movement of the finest quality. This colt has a promising future!