If you are looking for a solo, confident, buddy who likes to move out in the woods this guy is for you. Rehoming due to too many horses and not enough butts. We put several hundred miles on him this last summer but he has been at pasture since approx September. He is a forward mover and prefers to lead if in a group. Where he really shines is when he is out by himself. Not scared of wildlife and has good predator sense, but keeps his head. Bushwacks and crosses water no problem. Ridden in both western and english tack. He prefers to rack at high speeds and is difficult to get to canter, but he will offer the canter under some circumstances. If he is tired, he will slip into a pace, but his gait has steadily improved since we've had him. Depending on the person he can be in your pocket or a bit of a stand off. Good ground manners, ties quietly, loads in the trailer like a dream and stands well for farrier. I have never had him offer to buck or bite. When he is nervous or stressed he likes to lick the palm of your glove or hand as a stress release.