Looking to raise the next little horseman or horsewoman? April is the perfect start! She’s a wonderful pony that offers a light feel, moves forward happily, and always carries a great expression. April tries hard to please and is the ideal size for kids to feel comfortable, but big enough for a small adult to hop on and help continue her progress. April is a high-quality pony with no maintenance needs and no vices. Her PPE is clean, and she has no issues to note. We’re excited to see what she will accomplish with her next family! She’s been ridden English and has successfully jumped small fences with youth riders in a hunter/jumper program. With a great stop and simple rideability, April has nice, smooth gaits and is a lovely mover. In addition to her riding experience, April has been trained by a young man who put a lot of time into her. She’s tracked cattle, logged plenty of outside miles, and is comfortable trail riding solo or with a group. April is a dream to handle—she loads and hauls well, is happy in both stalls and pasture, and has no trouble around the barn, tied to the trailer, or during grooming. She’s great for the vet and farrier, and stands quietly for saddling, bridling, bathing, and picking feet. Videos available upon request.