Levy is the perfect sized horse ...a well balanced gelding with a pretty head that ties in nicely on a thick neck,strong shoulders and a clean straight back with not too much or too little wither...nice muscular hips,clean straight legs with heavy dun bar markings.. He is the first to greet you in the pasture and stays in your pocket. He stands perfect for grooming,bathing,fly spraying ,de-worming,tacking,mounting,farrier. He rides off quiet,He would make someone a great patrner. If he encounter something that concerns him he does not blow up or bolt but rather waits for your reassurance to approach...He's a thinker not a reactor.He is stall,fence and pasture friendly. Does not chew,crib,dig or weave. I am disabled and unable to keep him..we are selling our home and moving out of State. He needs a little work on backing out of the trailer...the people before me allowed him to turn around but we are currently working with him in that area. He was used to hunt cows in swamp/ pasture ranch for 90 days recently...He's a good boy..