He is super gentle for any of us to ride yet handy enough to do a job. he is outstanding to ride out anywhere. Goes alone, in a group or whatever asked. One hand neck rein and great ground manners. Do ranch work all day or hand him off to the kids to tool around on. Stays gentle with time off. 100% safe sane and sound. xtremely gentle and very well put together AQHA 8 year old, 16 Hand gray gelding. He is as good natured, friendly and gentle of a horse you could ever ask for.He is very smooth traveling, will collect up, has a nice sitting trot and will lope out on cue always picking up the correct lead. Good stop and will back soft and side pass with ease to open and close the gates. He carries the flag, tarps and such and is really easy going yet can be handy when asked. This horse is very solid and settled to ride out around our busy neighborhood streets as well as out on our rugged mountain trails. Will lead, follow, ride quietly in a group or out alone. Crosses the river, creeks, downed timber and trail bridges. He is sure footed and is a pleasure to trail ride. He is equally as good to ride around our neighborhood.