JST Docs Royal Mate “Royal” (Doc Bar lines) Reg. 2018 AQHA gelding Lightly offered for consideration to the RIGHT home and he will remain with me until it's found. Great on the ground and a complete sweetheart but can be spooky. He is a very nervous horse but seems to learn fast with desensitizing. Under saddle is his problem. He should have a complete restart. He does buck and bolt, specifically with any leg pressure. He deserves someone with consistent time and experience. He does ride out but he is VERY barn/buddy sour. I feel this is where his problems lie. I have not tried him in an arena. Happy to discuss further. An experienced home who is willing to restart him slow and correct is an absolute must! He could be a great ranch horse or possibly trails if given the time he needs. More Pics/Video available. Loyal Wisconsin.