Crescendo: 2002 16.2hh imported Oldenburg gelding. Available only to the best of homes! Crescendo is one of our resident schoolmasters, and has been our top lesson horse for years. He’s been leased to several clients, has taken kids to Devon, competed in eventing and many dressage shows. Crescendo owes us absolutely nothing! We’ve decided to offer him very affordably for someone that wants a horse to enjoy his golden years with. Crescendo is the most reliable horse in the barn. He’s never skipped a day of work. If it’s windy, he’s your guy! If a storm is moving in and all of the horses in the barn are losing their minds from being cooped up, he’s still your guy! Crescendo is the same horse at home as he is off property. He does get a little excited on paper chases if you ask him to canter, but also, he’s a horse? They all do. We have been sticking to flat work the last couple of years, mostly because that’s what his leasers have been interested in. I’d love to see him go to someone who is looking for a spook-free, reliable solid citizen to enjoy. Crescendo deserves it! And while he is not Mr. Cuddle bear in the barn, when you’re on his back, he knows his job and is worth his weight in gold. Available at the end of February to take home!