Available May 7-10 at Chrome in the Canyon Premier Mule Sale held in Tropic, UT. Find all sale information at PremierMuleSale.com! Beauty, Color, Conformation, Brains, and Athletic Ability all-in-one Pretty Mule. Francis is a 13-year-old red dun molly mule and is just a tick over 14 hands tall and every inch of her is packed full of cuteness. We have really enjoyed working with Francis. She has been on lots of trail rides and spent lots of time doing arena work as well. She is safe for anyone to ride on the trails or in the arena. Francis has a nice smooth walk, trot, lope in the arena. She has done lots of obstacle courses as well such as tarp, bridges, tires, cowboy curtains, and almost anything you can imagine and does it all with confidence. She is sure footed on the trails. Through the rough country, through creeks, water holes, over logs – Francis does not mind at all. She will stand ground tied for bathing, brushing and saddling. She stands nice for the farrier. Francis does not care if you ride her every day or once a month, she is just her same sweet self every time. She has been ridden on the road and is safe in the traffic. She is good with bikers. She is good with dogs and other livestock. She has been desensitized to the tarps, flags and cracking of the bull whips. She has been turned out with other mules and horses and gets along with all the others. Francis is up-to-date on all her vaccinations, deworming, dental care, and farrier. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a time to meet Francis, feel free to call or text Robert with Leading Rein Horses and Mules @ 740-291-7650