Available May 7-10 at Chrome in the Canyon Premier Mule Sale held in Tropic, UT. PremierMuleSale.com Big John is a John mule with a great temperament. He is a very easy going mule – ready to work – who will meet you at the gate in the morning. Big John saddles like a good horse and has been on the pack string into the wilderness. He has seen blood and heard bullets fly. He is really a been-there-done-that kind of mule. He’s the real deal, all around mule standing at 16 hands. You can use him on the ranch or pack any kind of game you want on him – nothing bothers him on the trail. Big John has seen all kinds of climate, from sunny days to hail storms and deep snow in the Gila National Forest. You can point him in any direction, steep or flat, and Big John keeps the same pace. Big John rides in either a britchen or crupper and he is one of the gentlest mules to shoe. He will leave his foot on the stand for you to finish. Anyone can ride him, from the most experienced rider to get the job done or the least experienced rider can hop on and follow along. For more information on Big John call Matt @ 605-695-4797.