Available May 7-10 at Chrome in the Canyon Premier Mule Sale held in Tropic, UT. PremierMuleSale.com Fergie is a light sorrel molly mule with a flaxen mane & tail. She is 5 years old, stands 15.3 hands & weighs 1118lbs. She has a big ole soft eye and a quiet demeanor. She is out of a nice competition type QH mare and a well known Jack in Montana. She has had only kind treatment since she was born. She was started slow & easy and loves people. She will meet you wherever you are, because she loves attention. She has a very classy look & would make a super nice show mule. She is soft in the bridle and super willing. She is very smooth in her gaits. She takes both leads and rides between the reins and your legs. We have taken her to All Mule Rodeos, to the National Championship Chuckwagon Races and to big trail rides for experience. She is easy to catch, halter, bath, bridle, saddle, ride, load and haul. She will have a new Negative Coggins test, a new set of shoes, have her vaccinations and her teeth floated, when we arrive in Tropic. This is spectacular young mule. You really can’t go wrong with her. For more info, videos and pics, call Jennifer at 501-213-8594.