Available May 7-10 at Chrome in the Canyon Premier Mule Sale held in Tropic, UT. PremierMuleSale.com Sierra is a simply stunning sorrel roan molly mule. She is conformationally correct, has a kind eye, babydoll head, big hip and matching stocking legs. Sierra is in her prime at 12 years of age and the ideal size standing 14 hands tall. Sierra is very well broke with a honest one hand neck rein and fancy handle. She is very smooth and comfortable ride with a pillow soft way of traveling. She is soft, supple and responsive to riders ques. Sierra’s fancy handle makes any task easy and enjoyable. She is well broke and stays that way. Sierra has been used in all phases of ranch work; from gathering cattle, sorting pairs, loading trucks and other ranch tasks and is excellent in every aspect. She is also a steadfast trail partner as well. She has been ridden in all types of country from the grasslands to the mountains and everywhere in between. She can handle rough terrain, will cross all obstacles and take complete care of her rider in any situation. Sierra is a “tried and true” partner on the trails. She will stand still to mount and has wonderful ground manners. Sierra is a joy to own and a Cadillac to ride! Please contact us if you would like any more information or to set a meeting. Thank you for your consideration, Mark & Callie Rogers, Red Dirt Bison Co., 405-388-2422. gorunwin1@yahoo.com