Available May 7-10 at Chrome in the Canyon Premier Mule Sale, held in Tropic, UT. PremierMuleSale.com Polka Dot is a beautiful 15.1 hand black roan blanketed Appaloosa molly mule. She is 4 1/2 years old, and it would be hard to find a mule more people-oriented. She has been handled since birth, and is mega-gentle. Polka Dot has a fabulous disposition and is very willing. She has been ridden extensively in the mountains. She will cross water and deadfall. Polka Dot is broke to picket by a front foot and hobbles well. She is super smart and easily handles new experiences. We used her all summer plus the fall hunting season in our wilderness camps north of Yellowstone Park. She has been ridden up the mountain in the dark and daylight. She is comfortable to ride and can travel. She has a nice neck rein and good stop. We have ridden her with either a britching or a crupper, and she has a great back and wither. We have also ridden her bareback with a halter. She is sure-footed. Polka Dot is also a top-notch pack mule, anywhere in the string. She can be at the end of 10 head or by herself and doesn’t hit trees or get in trouble. She is absolutely easy to catch. Polka Dot is good to shoe and has nice hard dark feet. She jumps right into a trailer. She is easy to bridle and likes her ears scratched. She will stand to get on and off her. Family Friendly. When Polka Dot bats her long white eyelashes at you, she will steal your heart! 100% Sound with no blemishes. Current on vaccinations, wormer, farrier, and Coggins. For more info contact Scott or Sandy Sallee, Black Mountain Outfitters, Emigrant, MT email blackmtn2@aol.com, call (406)222-7455 or text (406)223-8380.