Available May 7-10 at Chrome in the Canyon Premier Mule Sale, held in Tropic, UT. PremierMuleSale.com Willow is the complete package. She is Great Minded, Pretty, Well Trained, Gentle , Experienced and Fun to ride! Willow is out of a Fjord mare, a highly sought after cross for a mule. She’s built like a tank, is incredibly Smooth riding and is your best friend. She has excelled through all aspects of our training program from the ground to the arena, trail and ranch. She is soft, supple and responsive in the bridle and easily moves off leg pressure. She rides in everything from a d ring snaffle to a curb bit, halter, neck rope and even guides and rides bridless by lightly asking with your fingertips on her neck. Willow stands perfectly to saddle, bridle and mount, happily moves to a mounting block, stump or whatever you need to make mounting easier. She stout enough to carry any size rider, and smooth enough your back and knees won’t be worn out after a long days ride. Willow is safe. A confidence builder that takes care of a novice rider. She is a lot of fun for someone that wants to step up to a smooth trot that she easily extends if you want to cover some big country. With a light squeeze she effortlessly moves up into a graceful balanced lope , fun to ride and enjoy with a loose flowy neck rein. She circles great, stops and stands quietly. Willow is surefooted and has been ridden in all kinds of trails from heavily wooded forests, Montana Mountains, across huge prairies, deserts of Arizona and in the steepest rockiest areas you can imagine. She’s like a mountain goat going up, down and through tons of diverse terrain. She is confident by herself and happily leads or follows in a group. She enjoys splashing through water, willingly steps over downfall, and can pick her way through tight areas. She rides great with dogs, is experienced around lots of deer, wildlife, birds, ducks, bridges, atv’s, 4 wheelers, traffic, always bringing her rider home happy and safe. On the ranch Willow is great gathering cattle and stands ground tied when you step off to repair fence. She will follow you around when you throw the reins up on her neck. She’s confident with tarps, gun shots, umbrellas, bouncy balls, flags, bikes, tractors and lots more. She’s is happy to give your favorite dog a ride or pull a puppy in a cart and knows some fun tricks too. Willow has been ridden by riders of all different sizes, ages and ability levels and he takes care of everyone. If you are timid she will take care of you, and if you are adventurous she will fulfill all your dreams! Sure to be a sale Highlight! Willow is Well Trained, Multi Talented, Safe, Reliable, Experienced, Confident and Fun! Willow is a mule for the whole family to enjoy a lifetime of Happy Trails. FMI (406)-839-4224