Available May 7-10 at Chrome in the Canyon Premier Mule Sale, held in Tropic, UT. PremierMuleSale.com Ray Lewis is an all around great mule with a kind eye who has been in the roughest of trails. He has been packing in and out of the Gila National Forest and has never lost his temperament regardless of what’s being packed on him. Ray Lewis is a John mule who won’t lose his step. He has really good feet and will go all day long – nothing on the trail bothers him. Ray Lewis has also been used to gather cattle in rough country and will go in any direction you point him. He’s crossed rivers and brushy country and has proven to be trustworthy in the toughest of situations. Anyone from a novice rider to the most experienced anyone can ride him. For more information on Ray Lewis call Matt @ 605-695-4797.