Willa is quarter horse, but not registered. She has a ton of potential to go many directions. She is very well mannered and has an excellent foundation. No bad habits whatsoever. She hauls well baths, good for the Farrier, not heard bound, easy to catch, loves attention! she always tries to please and loves to work. She does have a lot of energy and enjoys a job. She can be watchy at times but has never been reactive. She will flinch a little but has never done a 180 or bolted. She has been on some trail rides lately and has done amazing. She went to the Oregon horse center trail course and loved it. That was her first time in an arena that size and she took it all in stride. She is a beautiful mover and I could see her excel in western dressage. She has also done some sorting and loves the cows. She has a good stop and turn around. She has more go than Whoa and so I would suggest a more experienced rider at this point. She is a beautiful mare and I want to find her the best match. I don’t have to sell her and I will not consider low offers. Please let me know if you have any questions and I could send some more pictures.