Are you looking for a new best friend? Here he is! Doograne Master is an imported 8 year old 16.2 KWPN/ISH gelding by Womanizer Dougal was imported two years ago as an upper level eventing prospect but I have discovered he is a dressage king. He has competed novice level eventing but prefers the dressage ring where he shines. He has competed up to second level very successfully, scoring in the 70s. Currently working on changes! He is an amateurs dream. Uncomplicated. No buck,spook,bolt ever. More of a kick ride. He is the same horse off property; A gentleman scholar. He is fun to jump and won’t even spill your beer on the trails! Dougal is such a good horse; I just don’t not want to make him do something he doesn’t want to be! No maintenance required. A mild cribber. Easy peasey fella! Price at 35,000. Available to be tried in Ocala. We have another horse fore sale on property as well. 8 year old Westfalen mare shown through first level, schooling second.