Herd Dispersal.... helping a friend find homes. Registered ANCEE purebred Andalusians. Great low prices. -Yearling buckskin filly ( may grey) very friendly $7000 -Coming 2 year old grey stallion. Very well bred, flashy mover, $7500 - Coming 3 year old grey filly. Stunning mover. Can come with 30 days under saddle. $7500 or $8250 with training - 4 year old 16+HD Dapple grey mare. Started under saddle, does Spanish walk. Quiet and easy to be around. In foal to bay ANCEE stallion, due in June. $10,000 as 2-1 -13 year old buckskin mare in foal to grey champion ANCEE stallion. Due May. Only been a broodmare. Great mom $10,500 as a 2-1 Located in Norco. Have videos. Send me a message.