I have this Male Arabian horses called Moore Sig s known for his beauty, speed, and stamina. It have distinctive heads, arched necks, and strong legs. Head Small, wedge-shaped head with a dished profile Large eyes that are dark and expressive Large nostrils that are wide and extend when the horse is in action Small muzzle Small ears that are thin and well-shaped Neck Long, arched neck that is set on high Large, well-set windpipe Body Short, straight back Deep chest Well-sprung ribs Strong legs with thick density Horizontal pelvic bone position Fine hair of the mane and tail Clean cut tendons and joints Other characteristics Bright, alert outlook and great pride of bearing Fine, silky hair on the coat, tail, and mane Strong, muscular legs that give the Arabian great speed and stamina, full fascinated Arabians are one of the most popular horse breeds in the world. They are used in many equine sports and disciplines, including working western, ranch work, show jumping, and dressage.