Tephra is a 2020 model BLM Mustang mare from Antelope Valley, NV. Some clips of her: https://youtu.be/JDG7qMIisCg?si=6i7cTAsvNUDrB3sC She is GREEN, but has been ridden English and Western and has been hauled off property for trails. She is confident and curious. Rides out around the property alone with no issue, but she DOES like to move out. Probably not a barrel prospect, but not a dead head. Personality plus, this girl is pretty, smart, and very silly. If you want a horse as your buddy, she would be a good choice. Enjoys groundwork and the little bit of trick training I started. Catches Ties Leads Loads Good for vet/farrier Spring shots and coggins done Teeth done last spring W/T under saddle, still working on our confident canter. Tephra is SMART. No buck/bolt/rear. She is too green at this time to be considered for an adult or child who does not have the patience, confidence, and skill to bring along a young horse, but she is not mean or dangerous.