This guy is super sweet and very friendly and gets along well with other horses. He also loves attention and being around people. I have given rides to lots of younger children and he is always very good about it, whether that is hand-leading or back riding with the child. He requires more of an intermediate rider, because he will try to get away with things while riding if given the chance. He can be a little sticky with his feet if he doesn't want to work, but he definitely has some go and loves to run. He needs someone with a quite, yet firm hand. His transition between the trot and canter needs some work, but overall, he is a great rider and loves to please you. He's the type of horse that will go whatever speed you want, whether you want to take a leisurely walk through the woods or gallop the entire trail. He is good with roundpen and ground work, riding in an arena, trail riding, and riding on the rode. He stands very nicely for grooming, tacking up, hosing, and when he's getting his hooves trimmed. He is barefoot, and sound, no lameness and no other health problems.