Kingston is a handsome 7 year old 16.2h thoroughbred gelding, sound and sane. He’s been in dressage training for past 6 months and previous owner trained him for eventing as well. Retired sound from track with only 11 career starts. Changing disciplines is the only reason he is being sold. He’s recently floated and UTD on all vax, Coggins negative. No history of colic or any serious illnesses. He’s an easy keeper and has not required any therapeutic maintenance. He would continue to excel in any direction with a confident rider. He is very willing with an easy-to-sit walk and trot, but his canter is an especially lovely, smooth gait that can go all day. Well mannered in the arena and hacking in field and trails. Has never kicked, bucked, bitten, or reared. He does well solo or with other horses. Never barn or herd sour and loves to take care of his rider.