Excellent trail horse, isn’t spooky with wildlife, crosses water, crosses bridges, leads or follows well, and rides alone quietly and calmly. More woah than go, but she is definitely responsive to your aids in the arena. Super sweet and quiet temperament (not mare-ish at all) Loads and backs out of the trailer. Gets along great with other horses, both in the pasture and with horses she doesn’t know. I used her at the guest ranch I work at, both guiding the trail rides and having guests that had never ridden before ride her. Super safe but not selling as a beginner horse as she’s responsive, if you kick her she will go fast and if you pull back she stops. Nice walk, trot, canter, in the arena. She knows both her leads. She’s good with her feet, she does great barefoot or with shoes, I usually put front shoes on her in the summer because I ride in all sorts of rocky terrain. She has never had any soundness issues. PPE is welcome at buyers expense.